We are with you in this fight of COVID-19. We are doing everything possible to keep our employees and our community safe.
We at Devoted Care Screen our employees daily and we do not allow visits from aides if they exhibit any symptoms of illness no matter how minor.
Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds.
Keep your hands away from your face
Limit your outgoing activities, when you are out and about wear a face mask (preferably cloth)
Practice Social distancing, stay at least 6 feet away from the other person
Try to stay away from anyone with a fever or a cough
• Fever and or chills
• Cough
• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
• Flu like symptoms
• New loss of taste or smell
• Diarrhea
Seek emergency medical attention if you are having trouble breathing, have persistent pain or pressure in the chest. Have a new onset of confusion, have bluish lips or face.
COVID-19 Omicron variant symptoms may resemble symptoms of a cold to include sore throat, headache, fever. Please get tested immediately if you are not feeling well.
Local COVID-19 available testing sites: scdhec.gov/covid19/find-covid-19-testing-location
We serve clients in Columbia, SC and the surrounding areas.